Who is MADO?
Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (MADO) is comprised of ten Minnesota Regional Development Organizations (RDOs) whose purpose is to promote and create economic prosperity in Greater Minnesota. This is accomplished through alignment of a strong network of RDOs, the communities they serve, and the federal and state agencies that share their commitment.
What is a Regional Development Organization?
- RDOs are agencies that have been designated by the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration as Economic Development Districts. In Minnesota they include Regional Development Commissions (RDCs) and the West Central Initiative.
- RDOs were established by Minnesota State Statute in 1969 to provide technical assistance to the local units of government in their region.
- RDOs perform a variety of unique services based on the needs of their region.
- RDOs partner with numerous state and federal agencies to obtain and administer grants for programs and projects at the local level.
- RDOs are governed by a board of directors or commission composed of elected officials and special interest groups.
- RDOs are recognized for their fiscal responsibility and capabilities in professional program management.